We Work for a Just Energy Transition

Over 25 years developing projects to promote environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive public policies.

CEDHA’s Mission

The mission of the Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA, by its Spanish acronym) is promoting climate resilience through actions to improve the lives of the most vulnerable while fostering sustainable development, reducing the rate of global warming, and encouraging a ust energy transition.
Nowadays, the Foundation primarily focuses on promoting a fair energy transition. Our main goal is to ensure this transition is both environmentally sustainable and socially just. We work tirelessly to combat climate change, to improve host communities living conditions, to promote social inclusion, and contribute to environmental justice.
We are focused on promoting lithium as a climate mineral, working closely with host communities in production areas, public authorities, the private sector, and academic institutions. Together, we are building a more sustainable and fair future for all.

CEDHA’s Participation in Institutions

The participation of organizations such as CEDHA in various institutions plays a key role in promoting human rights and protecting natural resources. Through its expertise, specialized knowledge, and socio-environmental commitment, CEDHA actively collaborates with governmental institutions, NGOs, academic entities, educational institutions, unions, business chambers, companies, and other organizations to promote policies and actions that support the fight against climate change, environmental justice, and a just energy transition.

What does CEDHA do? · PROJECTS

CEDHA has managed over 50 projects for more than 25 years. Projects focus on combating climate change and protecting vulnerable communities. We currently concentrate on projects that reduce short-lived climate pollutants and promote just energy transition.
Since 2023, CEDHA has committed to promoting a just energy transition in the extraction of essential minerals like lithium. We provide technologies for more sustainable energy transitions with minimal environmental impact and promoting human rights. We emphasize social inclusion and sustainable development in mineral extraction communities, fostering a holistic approach for a more sustainable and equitable future.


At CEDHA, we have been working for over 25 years to protect and defend people, especially those communities affected by environmental degradation. We promote more sustainable and inclusive public policies for human rights and environmental protection.


Lithium, known as 'climate mineral', is strategic for transitioning to a low-carbon economy. Argentina, especially in the Puna region (Salta, Jujuy, Catamarca), holds one of the world's largest lithium reserves.

Argentina is on track to play a key role in the global energy transition due to its lithium reserves. The challenge is to harness these reserves sustainably, using the best extraction technologies and ensuring social inclusion throughout the value chain.

In CEDHA's project promoting a just energy transition, we support lithium production as a climate mineral. We work to include communities in the production process, empowering them as climate leaders, enhancing work in the mining sector, and promoting local productive activities.
Furthermore, we support research, education, and development of the best lithium production and value-added technologies. The ultimate goal is for Argentina to produce Green Lithium with sustainable water resource management, minimal climate impact, and benefits for host communities, considering gender perspectives and youth involvement.



Dr. Juan Miguel Picolotti

Executive Director · Argentine Headquarters





Lic. Héctor Brondo

Head of Institutional Communication



Lic. Leonardo Mangoldt

Strategic Advisor



Lic. Fabián Maidana

Strategic Advisor



Dra. Daniela Santa Cruz

Coordinator of the Legal Department



María Laura Asis

Community manager


Juan Casavelos

Strategic Advisor



Nazareno Picolotti

Print and Audiovisual Journalism


Lorenzo Rubino



Enrique Derlindati

Strategic Advisor in Conservation
of the Argentine Puna

Héctor Luzco

Community Development Advisor
for the Province of Jujuy

Jimena Viveros

Community Development Advisor
for the Province of Salta

Dra. Karina Viñas

Gender and Sustainable Mining Advisor



Our Work in Pictures